Help with website content

New Zealand Artificial Limb Service - content production management, writing and editing, and pre-launch QA
In our opinion, Content is King (and if it's not, it should be). It's the very reason that your website exists, and it needs to be tailor-made for the web.
- Are you wanting a website for the very first time, and don't know where to begin with your content?
- Are you thinking of getting your website re-designed and wonder if it's also a good time to review, edit and re-write your content?
- Do you want someone else to write some or all of your content for you?
- Does your team know how to write for the web, or are you just throwing any old content at it and hoping it will be OK?
- Does your website need a good tidy-up, content-wise? Has your website grown organically since the last re-build and now it's looking a bit of a mess?
We can help.
We always recommend that clients review, update and/or re-write their content when they get a new website, and we encourage them to set aside at least two months to complete this part of the process. I've seen too many websites over the years where the content is shoved in at the end almost as an afterthought, which is entirely the wrong way round! Your content should be the most important element of your website, and you must ensure that you create quality content to populate your site - and give yourself sufficient time to do this.
We can help you in the following ways with your web content:
Helping you get started
If you've never had a web presence before, it can all seem a bit daunting. We'll get you started and help you through the process, so that you end up with a website full of content that's relevant, useful and is what your visitors want - and we'll help you structure it so they can find it quickly and easily on your site.
Managing the content-writing process
We can offer a website content production management service for our clients, because we can see there's a real need for it. We provide Word page templates and content audit Excel spreadsheets into which our clients enter their content and track their progress, and set up a shared folder system in Dropbox which allows everyone in the team to share files quickly and easily, and work on them together. We then oversee and manage the content-writing process and make sure that everything gets done in time. Find out more about managing the content-writing process
Ali & Tom - I was having such fun working on the website - you guys have been awesome to work with and the extra effort and passion has not gone un-noticed - we are raving fans of WebWeaver.
Gaye Forster, Finance and Administration Manager, New Zealand Artificial Limb Service (NZALS website, 2012 onwards)
Writing content for all or part of a website
I've written content for a wide range of websites, using a wide range of "voices". I believe that your content is the most important aspect of your website, and if you get it right, everything else will follow. Find out more about writing content
Hi Ali! This is excellently written, and really adds value to the site.
Pam Crisp, Project Owner, Department of Conservation (Kiwi Recovery Programme website, 1998-1999)
Advising you and editing copy to make it more suitable for the web
Writing for the web is a specific skill, and your web editor many not have received any training or guidance in this. Often the copy they provide is taken straight from print, and doesn't necessarily work well online. Part of my job as a website developer is to advise clients on how they can improve their existing copy, and to edit it for them where necessary. Find out more about advising you and editing copy
Ali & Tom - thank you both for your efforts on getting me over the line on this deliverable. You are stars. Just so you know, the Board are very impressed with the website and love the clean lines etc.
Diane Horton, Executive Director, New Zealand Netherlands Foundation (NZNF website, 2012)
I have a photographic memory for word shapes, which makes me a natural (and fast) proof-reader - as incorrectly-spelled words leap off the page at me as I read. I'm also a details-oriented person and a perfectionist, which means I enjoy proof-reading and checking copy with a fine eye for detail. I've always had a strong understanding of correct grammar, punctuation and spelling - I have an apostrophe and I know how to use it! Find out more about proof-reading
Ali - just wanted to say thanks heaps and heaps for your work and your guidance on the project. Thank you for your massive contribution turning this project into a success for Learning Media and the Ministry of Health.
Anita Jones, Digital Project Manager/Advisor, Learning Media (HealthEd website, 2011)
Tidying up and sorting out your website
Has it all got a bit unwieldy? Too many pages to manage and not enough time to manage them? Old files that need sorting out and throwing out? A website that doesn't make sense to your users any more? We LOVE tidying up people's websites. We're happy to take a fresh look at the information architecture and see if there's a better way of arranging your content in main sections, and then we can do that for you. We can edit and sort out your existing content and proof-read everything. We can tidy up your file and image folders and archive old stuff you no longer use. In short - we can make it better.
We are really pleased that you are staying on to finish the re-structuring. We couldn't do it without you!
Sue Walker, Research and Information Manager, Hillary Commission for Sport Fitness and Leisure (Hillary Commission website, 1999)
Need help with your website content?
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