Contract work
I have worked as a contractor for many web design companies including Badger Communications, Base Two, Chrometoaster, Codec/SYL, Communication Arts, Cue Design, CWA New Media, Datacraft, Designworks, DNA, Fronde, Heyday, Learning Media, Mission Hall, Optimation, Origin Design, Oryx, Pikselin, Plan A, Proximity (Clemenger), Shift, Topaz Solutions, Touchcast and Vertigo Design.
I have worked as a contractor with many in-house web teams including TradeMe, Transpower, Grosvenor KiwiSaver, BNZ Bank, Office of Film & Literature Classification, Department of Internal Affairs, Fairfax Digital, Department of Corrections, Co-operative Bank, Radio New Zealand, IRD, and Land Information New Zealand.
I have also worked as a full-time employee at both Origin Design and Shift following successful contracts with both companies. As WebWeaver I take on freelance web design and development work for a wide range of clients and organisations.
I've done Information Architecture and User Experience design since I first began designing and building websites back in 1996, and I still do the IA and UX work for all our WebWeaver clients and projects. As a contractor I often carry out IA and UX design in combination with website design and/or front-end development - which comes in particularly handy when I'm working on a responsive web design. Find out more about IA & UX
Web design
I design websites for many of our WebWeaver clients and projects. From time to time I also do web design as a contractor. I can design of the look & feel of a site from start to finish; improve on the design of an existing website; extend and/or develop another designer's work; and advise the designer on the best way to design the website. Find out more about Web design
Front-end dev
Front-end development is my #1 core skill - it's my Thing - and it's what I'm most often contracted to do. I love the combination of logic and creativity, thinking outside the box to achieve the design using HTML/CSS, and applying my extensive knowledge of front-end dev for each new website design. I'm a perfectionist, and replicate designs exactly - to the pixel. Find out more about Front-end dev
Responsive design and development
We've reached the tipping point in terms of responsive design - where the majority of clients now expect a website that responds to the device in which it's being viewed. I find that being able to combine UX, IA, design and front-end development is a real advantage when it comes to responsive web design and development. Find out more about Responsive design and development
Government web standards
I've become something of an e-govt and web accessibility standards specialist, and I really enjoy helping government departments to achieve or exceed the standards with their websites. I also believe that all websites should be accessible to everyone, not just government ones, and so I include a range of accessibility elements in all my websites. Find out more about Government web standards
Web editing
From time to time I take on web editing work. This can include some or all of the following: managing the content-writing process; writing content; advising clients and editing copy; proof-reading; working on websites with bilingual or multilingual content. Find out more about Web editing